Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Being Brave

So, I have gathered up quite a bit of courage, and decided that the music God gives me is not mine to keep but a gift to share.  I've shared a little in the past with a few people, but I am now opening myself up to the big, big world, for better or worse.  I have created a myspace music page, which may not seem like much to a lot of people, but believe me, this took some serious courage on my part.  This is a total work in progress, so constructive criticism is welcome (okay, I'm begging, be nice while you are being honest lol).  And check back often for new stuff or updates to old stuff.  The address is .


The first song I have posted is definitely not mine to keep, and that is the main reason why I chose it to be the first thing I share.  It is entitled "As I've Loved You".  It is not the finished track, I still have a bit of work to do, but decided it might be fun to let people in on the work while it's in progress too.

We've had a lot of changes lately, and one of them has been God leading us to a new church, and just in time (as if God is not on time lol) too, because we were fortunate enough to take part in the First Loved to Love Lifestyle series.  Incredible stuff.  I highly recommend it (, click on the FLTL icon).  It was written by Ps. Mark Fee, and you will totally never be the same.  But I digress.  Ps. Mark preached a message just before the start of FLTL and gave a visual example of what being loved to love looks like.  The whole idea is if you have never been loved (the example was a hug with words of encourgement), then you have no basis from which to love others.  As he was giving the example, I was hearing the words he was saying in song form.  Our heavenly Father loves us far beyond anything our minds can comprehend, and we are welcome to come to Him anytime, just as we are.  In fact, He longs for us to come to Him and let Him love us.  Then we can go and love others, just as He has loved us.

"God is love.  When we take up permanent residence in a life of love, we live in God and God lives in us.  This way, love has the run of the house, becomes at home and matures in us, so that we're free of worry on Judgment Day-our standing in the world is identical with Christ's.
We though, are going to love-love and be loved.  First we were loved, now we love.  He loved us first." 
~I John 4:17 & 19

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you. And I'm blessed to be able to help you with your music, I mean HIS music. The music you've shared is truly a warm hug to me.
