Friday, June 3, 2011

Light it Up

So lately I just cannot ignore the way God is moving.  I don't know about the rest of you, but there is a sense of excitement, like little bits of electricity in the air lately.  And I have never felt more compelled or desired more to "light it up" everywhere and anywhere.
Scripture tells us to "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven" (Matt. 5:16).  The thing is, I am pretty ordinary.  Take God out of the equation, and I'm pretty much your average girl.  Husband, four kids, nice apartment, jobs, etc.  Nothing all that special.  But I am seeing and experiencing what it means to hand over my life, everything I have, to God, no strings attached, and just say, "Here I am, use me.  Don't know what you can do with me, or why you would want me, but You've got me, all of me."  Letting your light shine is not about you.  You cannot produce the light on your own, and it's not about getting glory.  It's about walking daily with Jesus, letting Him take control, and shine through You. He is the light...we are merely the lanterns.
Lately, there have been so many things going on that just break the heart, around me, locally, and you don't have to look far to see the kinds of devastation that are being caused by weather alone.  Recently, a young boy's body was found in my town on a remote dirt road.  I live in a small town...these things aren't supposed to happen anywhere, but they definitely aren't "supposed" to happen here.  And for four trying and nerve wracking days, we didn't know who he was, what had happened, and who the perpetrator was or where they were.  Scary, heartbreaking stuff.  But what the devil means for evil....
There was a candlelight vigil on Tuesday night.  I was kindly volunteered (by someone else) to sing Amazing Grace.  So I did.  Impromptu.  In front of a few hundred people.  And sat back in amazement as that song was played over and over as the backdrop to the news story surrounding the event.  Amazing Grace on the news.  To God be the glory.
This remote road is not exactly easy to find if you don't know where you are going.  And yet this (as it turns out) out of town woman left her son there.  While what happened is totally heartbreaking, God is amazing.  The people who found him are Christians.  I was able to witness firsthand as they testified to the love of Christ in front of hundreds of people and at the service the following night.  And the wife also co-officiated this little boy's funeral in Texas.  To God be the glory.
This world is not our home.  It can be and many times is a scary place.  But we are called to be light, that our lives would shine so brightly that we light up the darkness around us in a way that attracts others to our Savior, who says if He be lifted up, He will draw all men.  Light it up people.  It's amazing!!

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